Sunday, August 01, 2021


People who don't wear masks are 'encroaching on others' individual rights': Fauci defends new CDC mask guidance for the vaccinated as he warns things are 'going to get worse' with COVID


Daily Mail 

August 1, 2021

Dr Anthony Fauci on Sunday said COVID-19 cases will continue to rise, but he does not see the need for lockdowns again


Trey said...

I was raised during a period of deadly diseases such as Polio and Small Pox. We were vaccinated because we observed the deadly effects of these types of diseases. Vaccinations eradicated these diseases. When my clinic announced this year that they had the vaccinations on hand, I insisted that I receive it. Thus I was fully vaccinated early on. I still carry a mask with me and if I find myself in a crowded poorly ventilated situation, I wear it. Please get vaccinated.

Gary said...

I believe that most Americans have simply had enough of the government (state or federal) telling them what they can and can't do. Fauci probably agrees which is why he doesn't think we'll see lockdowns.

A less "I'm your mother, do what I tell you" approach from the government would probably get better results.