Tuesday, August 03, 2021


by Bob Walsh

The New York State A. G. just made her major announcement regarding New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.  She said in no uncertain terms that Governor Cuomo engaged in an extensive pattern of sexual harassment against women and retaliated against at least one of them in violation of state and federal law.  There was a report issued today which details allegations, which were sustained, made by eleven women, all state employees at one level or another, including one member of his protective detail.  .

So, is Cuomo going to hang his head in shame and slink away or will they have to throw him out?   So far he has denied everything and not even really apologized.  He could do a "mea culpa". cry a lot and beg forgiveness or tell people to get stuffed and are them to do something about it.  

Cuomo might have crossed the "Harvey Weinstein"  line to the point where the hardcore liberal idiots will abandon him to his fate.  Or maybe not.  My guess is that he will pull a Clinton, say that it is bullshit and his is going to continue his hard and necessary work for the fine people of the state of New York, and tough it out at least for a while.  He will eventually, I believe, either be forced out of if necessary thrown out.  Couldn't happen to a nicer scumbag murderer.

1 comment:

Trey said...

Seems odd that no criminal charges have been filed.