Wednesday, August 18, 2021


San Francisco DA Faces Second Recall Effort As Residents ‘Fed Up' With Progressive ‘Zero Consequence' Policies


LAPPL News Watch

August 18, 2021



District Attorney candidate Chesa Boudin on Monday said the opposition of the San Francisco Police Officers Association to his campaign ‘makes the choice for voters very clear.’ (Kevin N. Hume/S.F. Examiner)                                        San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin


A second recall effort launched against San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin demonstrates how residents are "fed up" with his progressive policies, as his push to reduce jail funding and refusal to prosecute repeat offenders ensures the streets remain marred with open-air drug dealing and violent crime now stretching into the suburbs, a leader of the prominent local police union tells Fox News. 
Last week, the first Republican-backed recall effort fell just 1,714 signatures short of the 51,325 required to trigger a special election to bring the question of ousting Boudin before voters. Now a second recall effort is being organized, which Boudin brushed off Monday night as proof that his so-called successes in reducing incarceration has "angered the billionaire class." 
But it’s his progressive approach that’s actually hurting average San Franciscans, San Francisco Police Officers Association President Tony Montoya tells Fox News, as Boudin’s "swiftest revolving door in criminal justice" sends the message to offenders that there are no consequences for their actions. 
"Police are the bad guys, and the bad guys are the good guys in the mind of a progressive," Montoya said. "Chesa’s good at the blame game. We’re going to call him Mr. Deflector because he’s always pointing the finger left or right and never at the man in the mirror."

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

I would not bet that even if a recall gets on the ballot it would be successful. Dude was elected in the first place by people who KNEW he was a knee-jerk uber-liberal dingdong.
All he is doing is delivering as promised. He is an honest politician. Just like Nancy Pelosi.