Tuesday, August 03, 2021


Rouhani: Israel 'took Iran's nuclear secrets and gave them to Trump'


By  Erez Linn 


Israel Hayom

August 3, 2021



Rouhani: Israel 'took Iran's nuclear secrets and gave them to Trump'

Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu displays a slideshow about the Mossad seizure of Iran's nuclear archives, April 30, 2018  

Outgoing Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said in his last speech to his cabinet ministers on Monday night that Israel had indeed taken Iran's nuclear archive, as former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed in 2018.

"The Israelis took out secrets out of the country and gave them to [then-US President] Trump. And President Trump withdrew from the nuclear deal," Rouhani said.

At a widely-reported press conference in 2018, Netanyahu reported that the Mossad had completed a daring and complex operation in Tehran that had led to its seizure of 100,000 documents on the Iranian nuclear program.

Netanyahu said at the time that the documents in the archive pertained to Iran's activities prior to the 2015 JCPOA nuclear accord and shed light on what he called Iran's attempts to dupe the international community about its nuclear aspirations.

On Tuesday, Iranian President-elect Ebrahim Raisi is expected to receive the official blessing of Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, in the presence of a number of local dignitaries, as well as several foreign diplomats. On Thursday, Raisi is slated to be sworn in as president. Several dozen foreign envoys are expected to be present at the ceremony.

Once Raisi, considered one of Iran's more extremist public figures, becomes president, it is likely that it will be more difficult for Iran and western nations to hammer out a new nuclear accord. Ultimately, the decision about whether or not to rejoin a nuclear deal will fall to Khamenei, who has recently accused the US of being untrustworthy. Khamenei has also said that there is no point in Iran rejoining an agreement similar to the original 2015 JCPOA.

Meanwhile, as a number of western powers are accusing Iran of responsibility for a drone attack on an Israeli-operated ship in the Arabia Sea last week, Iranian Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri said Monday that Israel "sent people to our oil tankers to blow them up. 12 of our tankers have been bombed or damaged."


Anonymous said...

I think the Israelis are smart enough to have NOT done so.

bob walsh

V. Teitelbaum said...

So it’s ok for the Zionist state to have 400 plus nuclear weapons but no one else in the Middle East? If I was a neighboring country of this illegitimate Zionist pariah , expansionist state I would want nukes at all costs. Why should the Zionists be the only nuclear state in the Middle East. These people are not even Jewish, they are atheistic nationalistic scum, who hate Torah Jews.