Thursday, September 19, 2024


By Bob Walsh

It is looking good.  CA. Proposition 36 is polling at about 70% in favor.  That could be a big deal.

Prop 36 is basically a do-over for Proposition 47.  This ballot proposition was passed by voters who didn't bother to read it and who bought into the okeydoke.  It essentially decriminalized theft, prostitution, drug use and shitting on the sidewalk.  This do-over will give prosecutors who are actually interested in prosecutions a decent handle on professional retail thieves, drug fiends, street walkers and homeless people who just refuse to get with the program.  The CA legislature is so afraid of it that they tried to pass a bunch of "head them off at the pass" legislation to make it appear that Prop 36 isn't needed.  The legislators were unsuccessful. 

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