I watch polls.  I do not follow them slavishly, nor do I necessarily trust them.  They can, and often do, give you a trend line, but there is a big problem with polling.  People lie to pollsters.

My favorite demonstration of this is the Scottish Referendum from ten years ago.  Right up until the morning of the vote ALL of the pollsters and the betting market said that the split is under 1% and that it is way too close to call.  The actual vote had a split of about 11% against splitting Scotland off from the UK.  Does that mean that the Limies don't know how to run a poll?  NO, it doesn't.  It means that a LOT of people lied, they told the pollsters what they believed they wanted to hear or what would make them personally look good.

My GUESS (maybe hopeful expectation) is that a fair number of people will vote for Trump who would never admit to it.  Some of this will be pro-Trump voting.  Some will be anti-Harris voting.  Of course a lot of people WANT to vote for the first female president.  But a lot of people also want to be able to tell themselves they voted for the winner.  

Nobody with any brains or critical thinking skills can actually WANT Kamala Harris to be president.  That doesn't mean she will lose.  

That battle looks at the moment like it will be close.  Pennsylvania will be THE biggie.  North Carolina, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada and maybe even Omaha, Nebraska will determine which way things go.  If Trump manages to win NC, GA and PA it is almost 100% for sure he will take the brass ring.

We can but hope.  And vote.  Decisions are made by those who show up.  Vote early and often.