Monday, September 16, 2024


By Bob Walsh

Things you Should Know When Purchasing Your First Pistol  

An en banc hearing by the Fourth Circuit Court, in the case of Maryland Shall Issue v. Wes Moore, upheld the state law requiring that most prospective pistol purchasers obtain a Handgun Qualification License (HQL) in order to purchase a hand gun.  Applicants for the license must be fingerprinted, pass a background check and complete a training class with live fire testing.  Current or honorably retired peace officers and current or retired members of the military are exempt.  The decision was 14-2, overturning a prior  ruling by a panel of the same court.

The majority saw no problem with Bruen, finding that the HQL merely ensures that persons seeking to exercise their Second Amendment rights a law-abiding.  (I wonder if it requires "training" to register to vote or to read a newspaper in New Jersey.)

The Maryland A.G., Anthony Brown, thinks this was a marvelous outcome. 

It seems likely to be appealed to SCOTUS.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

More judges who can't read. Even if the law passed muster (it doesn't), exempting some folks would be a violation of equality under the law.