Monday, September 09, 2024


By Bob Walsh


Biden Drops Out of Race, Endorses Harris by Bart van Leeuwen,


Tuesday isn't going to be the Lincoln-Douglas debates, nor the Bryan-McKinley.  It might, in fact, turn out to be a nothingburger.  But it might not.  After all the last one put the last nail in Joe Biden's coffin, and that wasn't nothing.  Sitting presidents are not ousted like that.  That being said they also don't go down in flames like that.  

There are very few persuedables out there right now.  Unless something really epic happens.  Trumps could step on his dick big time.  It could happen.  Kamala could freeze up if she is actually challenged forcefully and might start cackling like an insane person.  It could happen.  Probably neither thing will happen.  But it is important and not just to us.  The future of Israel, Taiwan and Ukraine could hang in the balance.  Those are realistic possibilities.  

Kamala has pretended to move to the center.  She is pretending so hard that she is pretending she was NEVER out on the left wing.  So far the mainstream media is letting her do it and even supporting her in her assertions.  That could change.  They are miffed at her stiffing them.  It is POSSIBLE that they will be miffed enough they will try to nail her down a little bit on something, just to show her how important they are to her.  It could happen.  

She WANTS to end fracking.  She really does.  She does not want us to be energy independent.  She wants to kill the internal combustion engine.  She really does.  She wants to flood the country with illegal aliens who she will then regularize as quickly as possible in order to skew the demographics of this country for the foreseeable future.  SHE REALLY DOES.  She wants to largely disarm the American populace.  She really does.  If elected she just may be able to do a lot of this by executive action, at least for a while, even if she doesn't carry the congress.  If she does carry the congress the liberal-progressive-Marxist policies she really believes in (to the extent she believes in anything) maybe become a serious reality.  We could turn into a large, messy Venezuela.  It is not impossible.

If she is president and has a compliant senate you can imagine the psychopaths she will put on the Supreme Court.  People like herself.  Hell, she might put HERSELF on the court and turn the country over to Tampon Tim.  It isn't impossible.  It may not even be unlikely.

I intend to watch the debate.  I may even sacrifice a goat to the debate gods in hopes that Trump doesn't come across like an arrogant bully.  It couldn't hurt.  The last one saw a siting president go down in flames and seal his own fate.  That was historic.  It is possible this next one will be too.  If it does turn out that way I hope it goes in the correct direction.

It really could be that important.

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