Thursday, September 12, 2024


By Bob Walsh


There has been some quickie polling done right after the Great Debate.  Those polled were self-identified independents who had (allegedly) not made up their mind which way they were voting.

The polling results after the debate indicated that these independents were breaking more for Trump than they were for Harris immediately after the debate.  

Not what I would expect, but then again I am not a professional pollster nor political pundit.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Come on Bob. You're smarter than to give any credit to polls that sound like they were conducted by Trump himself.


bob walsh said...

Actually the one I saw referenced was a Reuters poll. I don't think they are in the tank for anybody.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I was surprised at the number of comments on FB supporting President Trump after the debate. I don't watch main stream media.

Anonymous said...

Thought it was a debate to see who could tell the most lies. Seemed to be a toss up.