Marjorie Taylor Greene is a deluded, despicable, and very dangerous lunatic whose presence in the US Congress shames America – gutless Republicans must grow a pair, bury the ghost of Trump, and expel her
By Piers Morgan
Daily Mail
February 2, 2021
It takes a lot to be kicked out of the United States Congress.
In fact, in its entire 231-year history, just 20 Members have been served with the ultimate sanction of expulsion – 15 from the Senate, and five from the House of Representatives.
Of these, 17 were removed for supporting the Confederacy rebellion in 1861 and 1862.
One of the remaining three was Senator William Blount who was expelled in 1797 for treason after he aided the British to conquer the Spanish territory of West Florida.
And in the past 160 years, just two more people have been thrown out: House representatives Michael Myers (1980) and Jim Traficant (2002), both for financial corruption.
So, expulsion from Congress is an incredibly rare event (more frequent is the lesser punishment of censure which has been served on nine senators, 23 representatives and just one president, Andrew Jackson)
The constitutional criteria for expulsion is ‘disorderly behavior’ and requires a simple two-thirds majority of representatives.
Now, I don’t know exactly what constitutes disorderly behavior for an elected member of Congress - but let me suggest a few things:
1) Being exposed by CNN for indicating support for executing prominent Democratic politicians including ‘liking’ a Facebook comment that said ‘a bullet to the head would be quicker’ to remove House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and responding to one commenter who asked ‘Now do we get to hang them?? Meaning H & O???’ - referring to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton - by replying: ‘Stage is being set. Players are being put in place. We must be patient. This must be done perfectly.’
2) Indicating similar support, again by ‘liking’ comments, for executing FBI agents because they were supposedly part of "deep state" working against recently ousted President Trump.
3) Endorsing conspiracy theories calling mass shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, ‘false flag’ operations – in other words, acts carried out by people to make it look like they were perpetrated by other individuals or groups. And accusing one student survivor of the Parkland attack, David Hogg, of being a ‘bought and paid pawn’ actor, then hounding him in the street and telling him more guns in schools was the answer to school shootings.

4) Posting images of themself armed with an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle next to a collage of female Democratic representatives including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib and urging ‘strong conservative Christians to go on the offense against these socialists who want to rip our country apart.’ A horrifying warning that triggered death threats to the targets.
5) Suggesting the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers in New York were part of a Government conspiracy and that no plane hit the Pentagon.
6) Spreading bogus rumours that California wildfires in 2018 might have been ignited by a space laser controlled by a Jewish cabal including the Rothschild banking firm.
7) Sharing a notorious white supremacist video in which a Holocaust denier claimed that ‘Zionist supremacists have schemed to promote immigration and miscegenation.’
8) Describing the results of the 2018 midterm elections as an ‘Islamic invasion of our government.’
9) Claiming that Bill and Hillary Clinton murdered political rivals including JFK Jr in a plane crash.
10) Expressing support for QAnon conspiracy theories which focus on the outrageous belief that top Democrats are involved in child sex trafficking, Satan worship and cannibalism.
Obviously, this litany of appalling beliefs and statements is horrendous enough.
But then imagine this same member of Congress cheering on the despicable insurrection at the US Capitol on January 6 that left six people dead - and declaring ‘It’s our 1776 moment!’ in a post on the conservative-friendly social media platform Parler.
And imagine this same member of Congress also branding mask-wearing to combat coronavirus as ‘oppressive’.
By this stage, you’ve probably reached the same conclusion as me that whoever this person is needs to be locked up in a padded cell for the rest of their natural lives.
Or perhaps you think I’m the one who should be locked up for being insane enough to think any current member of the US Congress could possibly have done all these things and still be legislating on behalf of the American people.
Yet it’s all true, and it’s all come from the disgusting mouth and hand of one woman: Republican representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, who was elected last November.
And as I write this, she’s still there, and still making laws.
This is an outrage; a shameful, contemptible stain on America and its democratic system that worsens with every second Greene remains in place.
Don’t just take my word for it.
Try the word of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell who raged last night that ‘Loony lies and conspiracy theories are cancer for the Republican Party and our country,’ and added: ‘Somebody who's suggested that perhaps no airplane hit the Pentagon on 9/11, that horrifying school shootings were pre-staged, and that the Clintons crashed JFK Jr.´s airplane is not living in reality. This has nothing to do with the challenges facing American families or the robust debates on substance that can strengthen our party.'
Of course, he’s absolutely right.
But the growing furore surrounding the vile Ms Greene goes right to the heart of the current crucial Republican dilemma and more specifically, the giant elephant in the room that needs resolving before the party can move on from the Trump presidency which ended in such disgrace and ignominy.
That elephant is Donald Trump, who is still here, still falsely howling that the election was stolen from him, and still wielding a malevolent influence over the GOP that threatens to split the party in two.
McConnell sees the danger very clearly, which is why he has turned on Trump, wants nothing more to do with him, is encouraging the new impeachment trial, and wants to see the back of deranged pro-Trump lunatics like Greene who boasted of chatting to the former President over the weekend as she gushed about how wonderful he is.
But there are others in the party still so enthralled by Trump and the thumping 75 million votes he got in the election, and terrified of his possible retribution, that they refuse to publicly denounce him or the likes of Greene.
Well, these gutless weasels need to grow a pair and put the interests of their party and their country ahead of cowardly self-interest.
And they should start that vital process right now by all agreeing that the lying, racist, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, violence-promoting whackjob Marjorie Taylor Greene is an absolutely repulsive, and dangerously deluded, monstrosity of a human being who must be expelled from Congress as soon as possible.
Have I mentioned lately that Piers Morgan is a douche bag.
In other news Rand Paul isn't a lunatic and is tirelessly working to show that the election was stolen and laws were broken in the process. Anyone that believes otherwise is simply in denial. The truth will come out.
For most people a good shotgun is more effective than an AR at less than 50 yards or so.
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