If Israel committed war crimes by bombing Gaza, then the US committed war crimes with the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
By Howie Katz
Israel and Hamas controlled Gaza have fought wars in 2008-2009, 2012 and 2014, resulting in the deaths of almost 100 Israeli soldiers and civilians and that of more than 3,000 Palestinians. In those wars, the Israelis, in order to minimize civilian casualties, gave notice to Gaza's civilians about which targets they planned to bomb. Since 2014, Hamas and Islamic Jihad have daily fired rockets at Israel. The Israelis respond to the rocket attacks by bombing rocket launcher implacements in Gaza.
Hamas and Islamic Jihad place their rockets and rocket launchers in school yards, on hospital grounds and in crowded civilian locations. Because of that, the Israeli retaliatory bombings have resulted in civilian casualties, including those of little children.

The Europeans have condemned the Israeli bombings. The Palestinians have gone to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague and charged Israel with committing war crimes. And it looks like the ICC will investigate Israel's leaders and military of committing war crimes.
If Israel committed war crimes by bombing Gaza, then the US committed
war crimes with the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the fire bombing of Tokyo during WW2. The two atomic bombs killed over 200,000 civilians and more than 100,00 were killed in Tokyo by the incendiary bombs, making the bombing of Tokyo the deadliest bombing raid in history.
Tokyo after the firebombing

Nagasaki after the A bomb
And the Allies committed war crimes by leveling the German cities of Hamburg, Berlin and Dresden, among others, with 49,000 civilians killed in Hamburg, 35,000 in Berlin and 20,000 in Dresden.

Dresden after the bombing
The bombings of Japanese and German cities were designed to kill as many civilians as possible so as to demoralize the Japanese and Germans.
So if Israel is going to be investigated for committing war crimes by unintentionally killing civilians, then it stands to reason that the US should be investigated for war crimes against Japan by intentionally killing its civilians and the Allies, particularly the US and Britain, for war crimes against Germany by intentionally killing its civilians.
I am elated that we dropped those atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Had we not done that, there was a good chance that I and many thousands of other American soldiers would have been killed during the invasion of Japan.
And I'm not troubled by the death toll of civilians in Tokyo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. After all, the Japanese military slaughtered more than six million Chinese, Korean, Malaysian, Indonesian, Filipino and Indochinese civilians. The Japanese Army massacred as many as 300,000 civilians in Nanking, China and they murdered many thousands of POWs, including captured American soldiers.
I think the Germans started it by bombing England.
Yet more horseshit being thrown around by the "violence is evil" crowd, professional liberals and anti-Semites who want to crush Israel by any means at their disposal. It takes two people to get along. It only takes one to start shit. If the other guy wants to DESTROY you and you don't want to go along with his program it is going to get messy. That is life in the real world. Death too for that matter.
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