Monday, August 02, 2021


by Bob Walsh

A student known only as A.P. is suing, thru his parents, asserting that he was forced out as a student at Jesuit High School
in Sacramento.

The federal lawsuit asserts that he is a Mexican-American student with ADHA and dyslexia who had been a student there through an accommodation plan.

When he was asked after George Floyd's death to sign a letter from the student body to the administration asking that Critical Race Theory be placed in the curriculum he declined to do so, stating, "That's retarded."  

After this occurred the student was approached by administration at the school and told he had been accused of inflamatory language towards blacks and homosexuals.  A.P. was interrogated by administrators for 80 minutes straight and was "reduced to tears' by the process.

The parents were then notified that A.P.. was being kicked out as a disciplinary problem and that his record would so note.  So, the parents are suing.  Seems reasonable to me.

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