Friday, July 15, 2022


By Bob Walsh

The third Cryptocurrency operation in the last two weeks has just gone belly up.  Celsius has joined Voyager and Three Arrow Capital in the ranks of the no longer fully functioning firms dealing in crypto.  All three came apart after the failure the Stablecoin UST.

Actually I have no idea how cryptocurrency works.  I do know I wish I had bought Bitcoin at 5,000 and sold at 62,000.  It was under 20,000 earlier today so saying the market is volatile would be a grotesque understatement.  

That being said my deferred comp account isn't doing so great lately either.  I keep hoping that the DOW will firm up somewhere between 30,000 and 31,000.  If it doesn't, I may feel inclined to pulling out of stocks and putting it someplace more stable.  Maybe.  

Life was easier when the only direction was up.

1 comment:

Trey said...

Most of us are feeling the DOW. I'd take a mean Tweet for a turn around.