Saturday, July 30, 2022


America is on the brink.

We have a president who thinks he's Black and caters to people of color. We have a vice president who is black - well, at least half-Black - and can't spell 'cat' if you spotted her the 'c' and the 't'. And we have a country that teaches its schoolkids to be ashamed of themselves if they are White.



We have an idiot for a president and a vice president who will make the idiot seem brilliant if she ever becomes president. 

The Chinese are laughing at us and are well on the way of replacing us as the predominant country in the world.

God please save America from itself!


Trey said...

It is against State Law to teach Critical Race Theory in Texas. The fairly new CCISD Superintendent from Virginia has stepped down. I hope he moves back to the East Coast. Adios.

Dave Freeman said...

@ Trey: they will simply rename it, but another socialist the CCISD spot and move along like nothing has happened.

bob walsh said...

You can practically see Kamala salivating in hopes that Joe strokes out and she gets to be the first female President (after Edith Wilson).