Did Qatar Win or Lose the World Cup?
Conflicting summaries of the World Cup from Arab and Western perspectives
Argentina won the first World Cup held in an Arab country, and the first games played in the winter allowed by the balmy Persian Gulf weather.
The tournament certainly brought with it plenty of tourism exposure for the oil-rich nation, but did Qatar really win? From a financial perspective, the Islamic nation invested close to 230 billion dollars on the World Cup, an astronomical amount that was not recouped by the games themselves.
The World Cup from an Arab perspective
However, the World Cup was good for Qatar in terms of its position in the Arab world. Qatar lifted the spirits of Arabs by defending Islam against the “perverts” (the Islamic term used to describe the LGBT community) who were prevented from celebrating in an Islamic country with their flags and “uniforms.”
In the Arab world, Qatar was seen as able to defend Muslim principles by setting up rules that pork would not be allowed in the World Cup arena as well as when and where fans could drink beer.
Qatar was also determined to highlight its “peaceful” religion and culture with dozens of Qatari clerics circling among the Western visitors introducing them to Islam. Tours to mosques were organized and hundreds of foreign visitors attended where they were shown videos on Islam. Young people also received a version of the Koran.
In the Arab world these were major achievements for the Islamic state. Interfering with the Israeli journalists and the distribution of Palestinian flags to the tens of thousands of supporters were highly praised in the Arab world. Qatar’s support for the Palestinian issue contributed to “solidarity” in the Arab world.
From the point of view of the Arab world, the World Cup was a great success. FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) praised the games, and there were no failures or disasters during the World Cup.
The World Cup from a Western perspective
The World Cup was bought with Qatari money. At first they worked with FIFA promising to allow liquor and not to hassle the LGBT community. As the World Cup drew closer, Qatar changed the rules and unilaterally made other rules; and FIFA surrendered.
We saw how Qatari security prevented fans from entering stadiums with flags or hats they disapproved of and abolished the sale of alcohol in many places. All this under the pretext that it is an Islamic country. In other words, Qatar used the games to enforce religious coercion on the fans and convert them to Islam.
The World Cup was not only bought with the oil money but also with blood. Estimates speak of almost 7000 dead workers who died in Qatar as a result of negligence during the construction of the stadiums over the last ten years. Some say that under the beautiful stadiums are buried dozens of bodies of foreign workers who came from third world countries to work in Qatar but died from the heat, diseases, and hard work in substandard conditions in a country with an average temperature of more than 40 degrees (104 C).
A major test for the West
During the World Cup games 4 senior European officials were arrested, among them charges of corruption and money laundering. They were all accused of receiving Qatari money in exchange for favors they performed for Qatar. 1.5 million euros in cash were found with Kaili whose father was also arrested. This is nothing less that robbing people of money. Kaili is currently in prison where she is expected to remain until after Christmas.
What is amazing are Kaili’s words a few days before her “tragedy” in which she praises Qatar
Will the West wake up now that the Vice President of the European Parliament Eva Kaili, someone they trust at the heart of the European parliament, was bought-off by Qatar as they now celebrate their World Cup victory?
The West simply surrendered to Qatari money where greed overcame principles and ideology. Qatar does what it wants with its money including buying people and bribing politicians to promote its interests.
Qatar succeeded with its money to gain respect in the Arab world (like Messi wearing an Arab tunic at the end of the games). But the World Cup only exposed the disease of corruption so prevalent in Qatar and many Islamic countries.
Apparently, no one is immune to corruption.
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