Thursday, December 22, 2022


By Bob Walsh


Taliban government

The Taliban government announced it has placed a ban on university education for women in Afghanistan


OK, that is an exaggeration, but it is not a gross exaggeration.  The government of Afghanistan, which is the Taliban, has decreed that women are no longer allowed to attend any public or private university in their shithole country.  Girls are already banned from high school and middle school.  Traditionally they have believed that there is no point in educating females beyond the point where they are sufficiently literate to run a household.  Women are also barred from almost all employment outside the home.  

The U N is pissing and moaning loudly.  Big whoop.  Anybody who believes that a religious fundamentalist psychopath is going to do anything other than be a religious fundamentalist psychopath once he gets power is delusional.

The members of the government will now go back to their normal occupation of sodomizing goats and selling 10-year old girls into sexual slavery.  Par for the course.  Allahu Akbar.

1 comment:

Trey said...

Let these animals have it. There should be no trade. Any terrorist activity discovered should be stopped by raining bombs by the newly NATO formed Bomb Raining Coalition.(Ok I made that up) No military should ever enter Afghanistan again. Let them eat dirt, fuck animals and each other.

You want to see life almost as bad? Visit almost any U.S. Indian Reservation.