Friday, August 30, 2024


By Bob Walsh

Moorhead Minnesota murder 

Top inset: Isaac Arthur Arndt. Bottom inset: Jaelyn Walker. Background: Scene of Jaelyn’s murder. 


Jaelyn Walker was 14 when she was murdered about ten days ago.  She had the poor judgement to pick a bad boyfriend, Issac Arthur Arndt, 18.

Arndt showed up at the Clay County (Minn) Law Enforcement Center late August 19.  He was covered in blood and slightly injured.  He told the cops that he and his girlfriend (ex-girlfriend actually but he probably didn't mention that) had been attacked by an unknown bad guy in Gooseberry Park.  He stated that they had taken off in different directions and the bad guy went after Jaelyn.

Her mom had noticed that she was not where she was supposed to be when she was supposed to be there and tracked her down using her phone.  The cops found her body near a bicycle trail on Elm Street hidden in the woods.  She had multiple stab wounds.  A weapon was found at the scene.

During a second interview Arndt admitted to having a romantic relationship with the girl for several months, and that that relationship had recently ended.  He also asserted that they met in the park where Jaelyn demanded information about his new girlfriend.  He stated he refused and the situation turned violent.  He then copped to stabbing her "about 13 times" and then slit her throat.  He then hugged her.  Isn't that sweet?  He then stabbed her in the back and dragged her body away.

Arndt was then arrested (he was in Fargo N. D. by that time) and extradited back to Minnesota.  He is being held against a $1 million bond. 

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