Friday, August 23, 2024


By Bob Walsh


 What Are The Differences Between Probation & Parole In SC?

Kyle Douglas Frank, 37, has been a guest of the people since 2011 on eight counts of attempted murder with various enhancements.  His sentence was 90 years.  He liked to shoot Black and Hispanic people on the freeway.

A hearing review by the full Parole Board (21 political appointees) has just voted to affirm his early release.  He has served 15% of his sentence.  

Frank shot up vehicles on a couple of freeways in the Sacramento area during August and September of 2009.  He used a .25 Beretta.  He was, according to his lawyer, "just really drunk" when he committed his crimes.  He was also bummed out because he lost his job and his girlfriend dumped him.  He has assaulted two inmates while in prison.  I wonder if he was just really drunk then too?

The Sacramento County D.A., Thien Ho, was not impressed by the Parole Board's move.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes parole can be a tricky thing. Texas had a bad habit of paroling folks during the depression. Hard times for everyone but the Governor.(USA)