Thursday, February 04, 2021


by Bob Walsh

ICE is reporting a 50-100% increase in illegal border crossing apprehensions since Joe Biden became El Presidente.  Many of these are children, some very young children, who are deliberately "dumped" where ICE will "apprehend" (rescue) them.

They are often abandoned by their parents deliberately, because if they are apprehended WITH the parents the child and parents can all be shoved back across the border with little fanfare.  If an unaccompanied minor is apprehended a whole different ball starts rolling which can, and often does, lead to the minor being "reunited" with the parents who later cross illegally themselves leaving the whole family unit physically in the U S with a semi-halfassed legal status.  

It is just what the illegals want and apparently just what the Democraps and Biden want.  A win-win, except for the American citizen and taxpayer, but then again who gives a shit what citizens and taxpayers want? 

1 comment:

Trey said...

You're right. I'm not surprised.