Tuesday, August 20, 2024


By Bob Walsh 

Omar Rodriguez is dragged out of a Florida courtroom on Aug. 15, 2024, after he screamed at Lisette Rey, the wife of Jose Rey, the man Rodriguez killed in 2015 after a dispute over dog poop (Miami Herald/YouTube). Top inset: Jose Rey (GoFundMe). Bottom inset: Lisette Rey speaks to the press in a Florida courthouse after Rodriguez is sentenced on Aug. 15, 2024. (Miami Herald/YouTube).  

Omar Rodriguez is dragged out of a Florida courtroom on Aug. 15, 2024, after he screamed at Lisette Rey (lower insert), the wife of Jose Rey (top insert), the man Rodriguez killed in 2015 after a dispute over dog poop


Omar Rodriguez, 74, was just sentenced to life in prison for murder.  It didn't help that he went off on the widow of the man he killed in court, but it probably didn't hurt his situation too much either.  He was already pretty much in the shitter.

Rodriguez had an ongoing beef with the dead guy, Jose Rey, because Rodriguez believed that Ray was deliberately allowing his dog to crap in Rodriguez's son's yard.  The situation went well and truly sideways in Kendall, Florida.  Rodriguez shot and killed Ray.  Rodriguez then claimed self defense under Florida's Stand Your Ground statute.  The jury didn't buy it, especially as Rey was not armed.  In addition Rodriguez had a history of being a dick towards his neighbors including harassment and threats of violence while armed.  He also asserted while he was screaming at the widow that he killed her husband because Ray was a coward.  That probably didn't help his case a whole lot either.

I guess the wheels turn slowly in Florida because Rodriguez has, at this point, been in the slammer for nine years pending trial.   

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