Tuesday, August 20, 2024


DAN MCLAUGHLIN: Every time Kamala Harris opens her mouth, she sounds like an idiot, spewing meaningless word salads, dressed with shameless hypocrisy... No wonder all her good ideas are stolen from Trump!


By Dan Mclaughlin


Daily Mail

Aug 20, 2024


a woman is sitting in front of a blue wall and says `` i 'm speaking '' .

Kamala Harris has now spent a full month running on little more than the wave of relief from Joe Biden's departure.

Finally, on Friday, she unveiled an iota of policy – focused on American finances.

Judging by this first batch of economic proposals, Kamalanomics is a bad joke.

It's warmed-over Bidenomics – and worse, she pretends America can expect something different if they elect her.

'A loaf of bread costs 50 percent more today than it did before the pandemic,' Harris told a crowd in North Carolina. 'Ground beef is up almost 50 percent.'

Yes, and you've had three and a half years to do something about it while you've been running the country as Vice President. What's stopping you from doing something about it right now?

Harris won't say.

Has Bidenomics failed?

Harris won't say.


Judging by this first batch of economic proposals, Kamalanomics is a bad joke.

Judging by this first batch of economic proposals, Kamalanomics is a bad joke.


Instead, she continues to insist that the Biden-Harris administration is more in sync than ever.

'We love you, Joe,' she chants, with that trademark rictus grin, as if she hasn't just stabbed her old boss in the back.

She continues to peddle the line that real economic progress has been made, that America's economy is the 'strongest in the world'.

Yet how does she marry that with rising costs that are, in her own words, 'still too high', or the booming 'cost of health care', or the people 'being exploited in the housing market', or the dire need for 'tax cuts'?

Somehow, it's still all Donald Trump's fault.

'[Trump] plans to devastate the middle class, punish working people, and make the cost of living go up for millions of Americans,' she whined on Friday.

Does she take us for fools?

Last week, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre tried to paper over the cracks when asked about reports of a rift between Biden and Harris.

'They've been aligned for the last three and a half years. There's not been any daylight,' she said. '[Harris] is going to build on… the historic successes that they've had.'

So, there you have it, folks: it's four more years of this.

Harris says she will impose 'the first-ever federal ban on price gouging on food and groceries.'

Price controls aren't a new idea – Richard Nixon tried them, and so did the Roman Empire. They've been attempted so many times you can even find them in the Code of Hammurabi.

But they never work and usually backfire. Nixon's effort helped kick off the ruinous stagflation of the 1970s.

Under Biden, while inflation is – finally – coming down, wage growth hasn't kept pace with rising prices.

Instead of fixing the problem, Harris just wants to rev up the money printer.

She wants to find $25,000 to give to every first-time homebuyer. But didn't we just go through years of printing money and finding out that – guess what! – prices simply rise and the cycle is self-defeating?

She says she can 'cut red tape and needless bureaucracy' to help more home building, but has she looked at her super-restrictive home state of California or her own administration?

Even these new proposals include more restrictions on who can own and build homes.

Meanwhile, she says she'll cut taxes for families with kids. This, after weeks of mocking J.D. Vance for his pro-family stance. 


It's warmed-over Bidenomics - and worse, she pretends that it's something new, that America can expect something different if they elect her.

It's warmed-over Bidenomics - and worse, she pretends that it's something new, that America can expect something different if they elect her.


But then again, Harris wants 'tax credits' – in other words, printing yet more money for handouts.

In fact, analysis by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget estimates Harris's propsed plan would see the deficit increase by a staggering $1.7 trillion in a decade. 

The only sensible economic policy she laid out last week was a Trump copy: his plan to eliminate taxes on tips.

The part she didn't mention is that the bill to ramp up IRS enforcement of taxes on tips only passed the Senate in August 2022 because the tiebreaking vote was cast by… Kamala Harris.

The truth is, she avoids interviews and press conferences like the plague because every time she opens her mouth, she sounds like an idiot, spewing meaningless word salads, dressed with shameless hypocrisy.

Every time she makes a decision, we also get that impression.

Smart would have been picking moderate Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro as her running mate, instead of hard-left Tim Walz and all his baggage.

Smart would be proposals that make economic sense and look like something Joe Biden would never do, instead of rehashing the greatest hits of his biggest failures.

Don't expect smart from Kamala Harris any time soon.

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