Wednesday, August 14, 2024


What's Kamala Harris hiding? She's been the nominee for a MONTH - yet still refuses to reveal a single policy or plan... SCOTT JENNINGS exposes the shaming truth behind her silence


By Scott Jennings 


Daily Mail

Aug 14,2024


Vice President Kamala Harris delivers remarks during a campaign event with President Joe Biden in Raleigh, N.C., Tuesday, March 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough) 
In a 'policy' speech this week, they claim she'll roll out her scheme for lowering costs, taming inflation and restoring the American dream. Well, don't hold your breath.

Elites in the Democratic party are truly shameless.

They'd already committed an egregious affront to democracy by covering up President Joe Biden's infirmity for months and then hand-picking his successor.

It was even worse that Vice President Kamala Harris, their anointed nominee, had never won a single vote in a presidential primary contest.

And it's an ongoing insult that Harris has yet to submit to a single interview or news conference in the 24 days that she's been her party's new standard-bearer.

But it's the latest news from Harris world that is truly too much to stomach.

Campaign insiders are now suggesting to the media that she wants to 'break' from Biden's failed stewardship of the US economy. You know, the same economy she's helped to run the past four years. 

In a 'policy' speech this week, they claim she'll roll out her scheme for lowering costs, taming inflation and restoring the American dream.

Well, don't hold your breath. Even the New York Times isn't fooled.

'[Harris] will lay out an approach relatively light on details… it will rarely break from Mr. Biden on substance,' the Times reported Wednesday.

How exciting!

It's now abundantly clear that the Harris 2024 campaign strategy is to treat the American people as if they're mushrooms… keep them in the dark and feed them crap.

Almost 80 days out from the election (and only a month from the start of early voting in some states), Harris is yet to reveal an iota of what she actually wants to do as president. 

And the sad reality is that this cynical plan of silence just might work – especially if Donald Trump continues his current unfocused approach to his campaign. 

Every sensible Republican recognizes that Trump's been off track since his speech at the Republican National Convention in July, when he delivered the longest convention address in history – rambling between a teleprompter script and off-the-cuff remarks.

The former president's meandering has only increased since Harris became the Democratic nominee.

Trump has been too busy lobbing counterproductive comments about Harris's race, instead of successfully framing the narrative against her litany of past policy failures, as he so expertly did with Biden. If the polls are any indication, Trump's current tactics are not working.


Trump has been too busy lobbing counterproductive comments about Harris's race, instead of successfully framing the narrative against her litany of past policy failures, as he so expertly did with Biden.

Trump has been too busy lobbing counterproductive comments about Harris's race, instead of successfully framing the narrative against her litany of past policy failures, as he so expertly did with Biden.

Vice President Kamala Harris arrives to speak at a campaign rally on August 10, 2024 in Las Vegas

Vice President Kamala Harris arrives to speak at a campaign rally on August 10, 2024 in Las Vegas


He has gone from a lead to a deficit in many major swing state polls – and Harris has even surged to an advantage on the question of who is more 'trusted' to handle the U.S. economy.

To most Republicans, the most effective attack line against her is obvious: It's common sense versus radical nonsense.

In 2020, Harris was rated the second 'most politically left' senator in the 116th Congress by the non-partisan government transparency group Gov Track.

The only senator rated as more radically liberal than Harris was the proud democratic socialist Bernie Sanders.

When Harris unsuccessfully ran for the Democratic party nomination in 2020, as a proud progressive, she advocated for banning fracking, decriminalizing illegal border crossing, eliminating the private healthcare system and defunding the police.

Now, unnamed spokespeople for her campaign claim she no longer supports any of that.

As vice president, Harris was tasked with easing the global factors driving an unprecedented number of migrants to the U.S. border. 

The result was the worst illegal immigration crisis in American history – and an estimated 10 million border crossings since Biden was inaugurated.

In her role as Vice President and loyal Biden lieutenant, Harris cast the tie-breaking vote in the Senate in February 2021 to pass the nearly $2 trillion COVID stimulus bill that sent inflation soaring.

Since then, prices have been a runaway freight train of misery for the American people.

If Harris's record proves anything it is that she's a rank political opportunist.


Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif. and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., both will attend the California Democratic Party Convention this weekend in Long Beach. Former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., will not. 

The only senator rated as more radically liberal than Harris was the proud democratic socialist Bernie Sanders.

As vice president, Harris was tasked with easing the global factors driving an unprecedented number of migrants to the U.S. border.

As vice president, Harris was tasked with easing the global factors driving an unprecedented number of migrants to the U.S. border. She was not up to the task.


When Trump proposed eliminating federal taxes on tips for service industry workers, Harris said she'd do the same despite backing a bill that allowed the IRS to crack down on those very same workers.

Harris's position on the Israel-Hamas war is just as murky.

As the newly named Democratic party nominee, she snubbed the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by refusing to preside over his address to a joint session of Congress in July.

Officially, she hasn't broken with the Biden administration's policy of providing arms to Israel in support of their war against terror.

And yet, she did recently meet with Hamas-friendly protestors and, according to the activists present, said she was open to imposing an arms embargo on the Jewish state.

Her spokesperson denied it, but with no public questioning of Harris, how can we know the truth?

So far, the Vice President hasn't explained her 'evolution' from one of the most progressive senators in America in 2020 to a determined moderate in 2024.

She intends to run a sheltered, sanitized campaign, built on vague platitudes and little scrutiny. And the only thing so far standing between Harris's duplicitous strategy and the White House is an ABC News debate on September 10.

Trump must be as focused for these 90 minutes as he's ever been in his life.

His entire campaign is riding on it.

Trump must expose Harris for the radical progressive that she really is.

If he falters, there won't be much time to correct the trajectory of the race before votes are cast.

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