Thursday, August 15, 2024


By Bob Walsh

These undated booking photos courtesy of the Orange County Sheriff's Office show Ramone Alston.
Ramone Alston, 30, is by any reasonable definition a subhuman piece of shit.  On Christmas Day in 2015 he shot a one-year old to death while the rugrat was playing with new toys.  

On Tuesday he managed to escape from custody while being transported for a medical appointment at the University of North Carolina, Hillsborough.  He not only managed to slip his leg irons undetected but then simply bailed out of the vehicle and ran into the nearby woods.  His hands were cuffed in front of him.  (A second news piece says he was being escorted from the vehicle by his escorts and he simply broke away and ran.)

A large-scale manhunt has been under way since.  He was wearing a gray t-shirt and brown pants along with New Balance tennis shoes so his clothing wasn't exactly distinctive.  Alston has connections in the area and may have had assistance in fleeing the area.  

As someone with some background in this area I have some issues here.  Why wasn't he wearing distinctive clothing?  Why were his hands cuffed in front?  How did he manage to slip his leg irons undetected?  How was he able to open the vehicle from inside?  Why didn't his escort either pursue him or shoot his happy ass?  Maybe somebody from the N. C. Dept. of Adult Correction should address these issues.
EDITOR'S NOTE: His handcuffs were connected to a waist chain with a black box over the junction. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Having transported murderers for long distances I agree that distinctive jail attire must be worn. Unannounced safety checks should be performed on all restraining devices and never stop at a public place to allow them a restroom break. Always stop at a local jail. No special privileges, no hats, and no shoes during transport. Eyes and ears always so no music on the radio. I caught a Bandido who had almost defeated a handcuff on a trip from Fort Worth to Matagorda County. When a prisoner has nothing to lose, you are nothing to them.