Thursday, August 01, 2024


Kamala is basking in the post-Joe glow - and Trump is panicking... but now MAUREEN CALLAHAN reveals the SIX fatal secrets about Harris's dirty past, her lies and hypocrisy that she'll wish you didn't know


By Maureen Callahan 


Daily Mail

Jul 31, 2024


Just because Joe Biden isn't capable of being president doesn't mean Kamala Harris is.

Kamala Harris has insisted as recently as February that 'we have a very bold and vibrant president in Joe Biden… Our president is in good shape, in good health, and is ready to lead in our second term'.


Just because Joe Biden isn't capable of being president doesn't mean Kamala Harris is.

Yet we are now suffering through another unthinking coronation by the liberal media, their emotional incontinence soiling any iota of critical thought.

The great exhale after pushing out Biden – a president shunted into power by a Democrat elite that knew, all too well, how compromised he was, cognitively and otherwise – has given way not to reassessment but to re-enactment.

Rather than learn from their past, Dems and their establishment enablers are basking in a post-Joe glow while making the same mistake again: unifying behind a candidate who is patently unsuited to the job.

To elect Kamala Harris would be disastrous for many reasons, least of all this: It would mean that America, after realizing that a shadow government may have been in control for the last four years, is perfectly comfortable with electing another figurehead. A puppet.


Some surveys already have her overtaking Donald Trump in swing states, while her approval rating steadily rises.

Some surveys already have her overtaking Donald Trump in swing states, while her approval rating steadily rises.


A healthy political party would be in revolt. But not the Dems, who can assuredly point to Harris's surging poll numbers.

Some surveys already have her overtaking Donald Trump in swing states, while her approval rating steadily rises.

Hollywood loves her. The megadonors are back to the tune of $200 million and counting. The party has coalesced around Kamala while Team Trump finds itself, just weeks after the attempted assassination, on the back foot.

Kamala's ascendancy is a 'sucker punch', according to Trump's running mate J.D. Vance, who was recorded speaking freely at a fundraiser in Minnesota on July 21.

'The bad news,' Vance said, 'is that Kamala Harris does not have the same baggage as Joe Biden… [she] is a lot younger [and] obviously not struggling in the same ways.'

All true. And Trump is already on the defensive, out front making race-baiting remarks about the pronunciation of Harris's first name, blasting her as 'crazy' and seemingly running scared from agreeing to debate her.

Meanwhile, Vance is struggling to dig himself out of the 'childless cat ladies' comment — one that, in a post-Roe era, lands terribly with female swing voters.

So, yes, Trump and Vance are in new terrain. But this Harris bump will end.

Why? Simply put, Kamala Harris is not the best candidate.

She is not the brightest. She is a political hack, a mediocrity who — like her current boss — found herself the beneficiary of luck and timing rather than grit and intellect.

If anything binds Biden and Harris, it's this unfortunate trait: Both seem to know, deep down, that they're frauds. That their ambition long ago outstripped their competence.

It's why Biden is given to cringeworthy displays of what he sees as machismo: The 'make my day, pal' threat to Trump pre-debate, or the oft-told tale of taking down 'Cornpop' at the community pool.

Real tough guys don't tell you they're tough, just as genuinely smart people don't tell you they're smart.

Kamala never seems quite comfortable in her own skin, and that's a fatal flaw in a presidential candidate.

Even her ex-lover Willie Brown, the now 90-year-old former Mayor of San Francisco who helped ease her way into politics, doesn't think Harris has what it takes.

Even her ex-lover Willie Brown, the now 90-year-old former Mayor of San Francisco who helped ease her way into politics , doesn't think Harris has what it takes.

Even her ex-lover Willie Brown, the now 90-year-old former Mayor of San Francisco who helped ease her way into politics , doesn't think Harris has what it takes.


Harris, as he recently told Politico, suffers from 'the Hillary syndrome… people don't like her.'

And when Harris has to speak for herself and do so off-the-cuff, she can't.

Here is just one example of her tautological word salad, after a mass shooting in Chicago in 2022:

'We've got to take this stuff seriously', she said to local press, 'as seriously as you are because you have been forced to take this seriously.'

There's a reason that the HBO satire 'Veep' — in which Julia Louis-Dreyfus played a vainglorious, incurious, power-mad politician who lucked into the Oval Office — is enjoying a resurgence.

'The crazier politics gets,' showrunner David Mandel said recently, 'the more 'Veep' holds up.'

Except 'Veep' never predicted Trump. And it seems at least one party elder had to be dragged over to Team Harris.

Yes, none other than Barack Obama, who called for an open nominating process at the Democratic National Convention in a written statement just hours after Biden announced he would step aside.

'I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges,' Obama wrote.

Kamala Harris went unmentioned.

One would think that Obama, of all people, would quickly get behind the candidacy of the first female president, herself black. But no.

'Obama is very upset,' a source told the New York Post last week, 'because he knows she can't win'.

As the liberal media luxuriates in 'Kamalot' and 'Kamalove', let's look at why Obama — despite latterly joining wife Michelle to publicly, awkwardly endorse Harris — might well be distressed.

And why top Dem strategist James Carville says he is sure Harris's high approval ratings will fall once this honeymoon period ends.

'She's going to get slaughtered,' Carville said last week.

And why Squad member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, days before Biden stepped aside, took to social media to reveal that the party itself had doubts about Harris.

'If you think there is a consensus among the people who want Joe Biden to leave… that they would support Vice President Harris, you would be mistaken,' she said.

Let's count the reasons why.

No.1: Harris owns the border

Despite attempts by the liberal media to claw back Harris's appointment as Biden's 'border czar', it is indisputably true that she was deputized as such.

'Harris, appointed by Biden as border czar, said she would be looking at the 'root causes' that drive migration' – that's a report from Axios dated April 14, 2021.

By the end of this administration, an estimated 10 million migrants will have crossed into the United States illegally.

Among those are potentially hundreds of known terrorists. And then there's the unknown number of 'gotaways' who have evaded border control.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott told Fox News on Monday that Harris has contacted him 'zero times' throughout her tenure.

Here's Harris during her infamous June 2021 interview with NBC's Lester Holt, who asked why she still hadn't been to the border:

Harris: 'We've been to the border.'

Holt: 'You haven't been to the border.'

Harris: 'I haven't been to Europe.' [Awkward cackling] 'I don't understand the point that you're making.'

No.2: She has repeatedly vouched for Biden's physical and cognitive health

Harris has done this for years, insisting as recently as February that 'we have a very bold and vibrant president in Joe Biden… Our president is in good shape, in good health, and is ready to lead in our second term'.

There are only two explanations for this: Either Harris was kept so far out of the president's loop, privy to nothing of importance, that she had no idea he was in such terrible shape.

Or, more likely to my mind, she lied to the American people out of self-interest.

No.3: She's an alleged bully

Since taking office as VP, Harris has had a staff turnover rate of almost 92 percent, according to a top government watchdog.

Such churn-and-burn has apparently been a Harris hallmark throughout her two decades in public service.

She is reportedly well-known for cursing out her staff, for chasing her most talented hires out the door, and refusing to read her briefing books, then exploding at her staff for being unprepared.

'It's clear that you're not working with somebody who is willing to do the prep and the work,' one ex-staffer told the Washington Post in 2021. 'With Kamala, you have to put up with a constant amount of soul-destroying criticism and also her own lack of confidence. So you're constantly sort of propping up a bully and it's not really clear why.'

Again, Harris shares these failings — the alleged lashings-out at loyal staff, the tantrums and the blame-shifting — with President Biden. It all speaks to someone intellectually, interpersonally incapable of executing the most stressful job in the world.

No.4: Even for a politician, she's particularly craven

After accusing Biden of backing historically racist policies during a televised June 2019 presidential debate — causing Biden to reportedly say during a commercial break, 'Well, that was some f***ing bull****', and forever earning the enmity of Jill Biden — Harris, who dropped out of that race with a 3 percent approval rating, accepted his VP slot.

Biden, remember, caved to pressure to select a black woman as his running mate.

She has also shamelessly shape-shifted from being a tough-on-crime prosecutor, who oversaw more than 1,900 marijuana convictions, to a pro-defund-the-police ally.

Now, of course, she's backtracking once more, tacking center, and boasting of her time in law enforcement.

No.5: Zero foreign policy experience and zero backbone

Harris' husband, Doug Emhoff, is Jewish, yet Harris caves to the radicals in her own party, refusing to attend Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's wartime address to Congress last week.


Harris' husband, Doug Emhoff, is Jewish, yet Harris caves to the radicals in her own party, refusing to attend Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's wartime address to Congress last week.

Harris' husband, Doug Emhoff, is Jewish, yet Harris caves to the radicals in her own party, refusing to attend Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's wartime address to Congress last week.


When she finally did meet him, Harris warned Netanyahu that 'I will not be silent' over Gaza and that while Israel 'has the right to defend itself' (how condescending), 'how it does so matters'.

Days later, Hezbollah launched rockets into an Israeli playground, killing 12 children and injuring many more.

No.6: No stated premise or philosophy

'We're not going back' is the emerging Harris slogan, and I will say this – it's ingenious.

It allows the voter to project whatever meaning they like, and for women, many will surely interpret this as a call to restore reproductive rights in full. Such is the minefield the Trump-Vance ticket must navigate.

That said, Harris has no existential reason for running. She has no record, no real cause to show after four years as VP.

Right now, she's running on the fumes of relief and emotion, the attempt to turn her into your 'cool wine aunt', a Gen Z 'brat' who is messy and relatable – but this all has a very short shelf life.

If Kamala Harris can't project confidence, purpose and a real, actionable agenda, she will remain nothing but a figurehead — another empty suit that the true Dem powerbrokers put forward as their latest useful idiot.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

She might not "have what it takes" but she can suck-start a Harley. That should be worth something.