Saturday, August 17, 2024


By Bob Walsh


Michael Ramirez | Creators Syndicate

The election, no, make that THE ELECTION, will take place in 80 days.  Our voters, many of who are actual citizens, will decide who will lead our country on to whatever.

Choice # 1 is an irritating White man who has already done the job once before.  He did a decent job and left the country in pretty good shape after the end of four years.  He has a fair chance of winning.

Choice #2 is an clearly incompetent sort-of Black woman.  She is a hard-core progressive-liberal.  Up to this point pretty much everything that she has ever done has turned to shit.  Hard as it is to believe, she also has a fair chance of winning.

About 45% of the country hates choice #1.  Not that many hate choice #2, in large part (I believe) because she has actually done so little in her political life.  That stuff that she has done, and taken credit for at the time, she is now running away from as fast as she can.  She has been her party standard-bearer for not quite one month.  She has had no meaningful contact with the press.  She has answered maybe one question.  NO interviews. (Not even softball interviews.)  NO press conferences.  She is throwing out platitudes and idiocy and hoping that nobody who counts will notice.  She is probably wrong.  But will the actual VOTERS care?

The Communist Party of the United States, otherwise known as the Democrat-Socialists, will hold their convention next week.  Unless Kamala has a sudden change of heart and throws Tampon Tim under the bus the results of that convention are a foregone conclusion.  

Will Trump manage to self-destruct in the next 80 days?  I hope not, but it is possible.  

Will Kamala manage to duck, dodge and hide for the next 80 days.  I would hope not, even her allies in the media are making noise about why she is ducking them.  Will she hang tough?  You can get pretty good at ignoring shit and ignoring people if you only have to do it for 80 days.  

I gotta admit, I am nervous about this one.  I really am.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am too. (USA)