Thursday, August 22, 2024


By Bob Walsh


Satinderpal Singh Raju

Satinder Pal Singh Raju is a resident of the teeming metropolis of Woodland.  He is a leader of the Khalistan Movement within the Sikh religion.  Ten days ago somebody shot up his pickup truck.  He was in it at the time, tooling down the road near Winters, CA.

The FBI has declined comment.  A great many people believe that the government of India actively moves against people they don't like, including targeted assassinations, in foreign countries.  It is called Transnational Repression.  It should be noted that Hardeep Singh Nijar, who was of a similar mind, was murdered in Canada last year in what had the earmarks of a political assassination.  Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India is known to not like the movement nor these two guys.  They want independence from India and their own country, namely a chunk of India.

The CHP has declined comment.  Raju was not injured.  The truck was hit at least four times. 

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