Wednesday, August 14, 2024


How dare he! Biden admin slams a Jew for praying at Judaism’s holiest site

Washington continues to side with the Muslim world in deny Jews any history or rights at Jerusalem’s Temple Mount.


By Ryan Jones 


Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, left, visits Al-Aqsa compound also known to Jews as the Temple Mount, in Jerusalem's Old City on Aug. 13, 2024, in this video still obtained from a handout video. (Temple Mount Administration/Handout via Reuters)

Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, left, visits Al-Aqsa compound also known to Jews as the Temple Mount, in Jerusalem's Old City on Aug. 13, 2024.


It was as predictable as the autumn rain. Maligned Public Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir visited the Temple Mount to mark an important Jewish fast (Tisha B’Av), the Muslims screamed about it, and the Biden administration condemned the supposed infraction. Never mind that they were essentially denying a Jew religious freedom to visit Judaism’s holiest site, something they’d never dream of doing to an adherent of any other faith.

Ok, so Ben-Gvir’s a provocative Jew, but what if the Americans were to start publicly condemning the appearance of Islamic Movement leader Raed Salah or former Mufti of Jerusalem Ekrima Sabri at the Temple Mount? After all, every time those two show up, they openly incite hatred and violence against the Jews, thus perpetuating the conflict. Why’s it not a problem for them to visit this holy site (in Washington’s eyes; Israel does take issue with this), but it is for Ben-Gvir?

The question is, of course, rhetorical.

This double standard is nothing new.

But let’s look at the latest remarks from US Secretary of State Antony Blinken anyway.

Following Ben-Gvir’s Temple Mount visit, Blinken charged that the Israeli government minister had “demonstrated blatant disregard for the historic status quo with respect to the holy sites in Jerusalem.”

A Jew visiting the Temple Mount is to disregard the history of the holy site? Blinken, himself a Jew, should know better. That hilltop is world famous only because of the Jews’ heavily-documented history there.

Blinken went on to stress that Ben-Gvir’s actions “are inconsistent with Israeli policy,” and that the Biden administration “will look to the government of Israel to prevent similar incidents in the future.”

In other words, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu better not let Ben-Gvir visit the Temple Mount again. The government of Israel is being told by America to bar a Jew, and a government minster at that, from visiting Judaism’s holiest site. Imagine them telling the Saudi king to bar a particularly outspoken local official from visiting Mecca. They might make such a request privately, but would never dream of issuing a public statement to that effect.

So, what did Ben-Gvir do that was so egregious?

Besides being a person no one in Washington likes, and showing up at a place they insist he shouldn’t be, Ben-Gvir stated that he was at the Temple Mount to commemorate Tisha B’Av and to pray for the hostages, for the soldiers and for victory in the war against Hamas.

Jewish prayer at the Temple Mount, Ben-Gvir added, is a policy for which he continues to advocate.

And that right there was too much.

Jewish prayer? Atop the Temple Mount?! How dare he!

Netanyahu’s office tried to calm the waters by issuing a statement emphasizing that the government of Israel remains committed to the “status quo” that officially forbids Jewish prayer at the sacred site, despite its connection to Judaism.

But this is a major point of contention in Israel, and, as Bible prophecy suggests, will certainly be the trigger for future conflicts. The question is which side will the “Christian” West take when tip-toeing around this discriminatory “status quo” is no longer viable?

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