Thursday, August 22, 2024


Army veteran, 36, becomes the world's most tattooed woman EVER after inking 99.98% of her body in 10 years - and she's still not finished!


Daily Mail

Aug 22, 2024 


The veteran - who got her first tattoo on her hip at 21 years old - has also been awarded the Guinness World Record for most body modifications for a female

Now, her tattoos span from her scalp to the soles of her feet - including her eyelids, eyeballs, gums and tongueThe first body modification Esperance had was a 'tongue split' and she went on to have five facial implants, and a wide range of piercings on her ears, nipples, labia and gums

Esperance (pictured) has also had parts of her ears removed to create her unique look

Her 89 body modifications smash the previous record, which was held by Maria José Cristerna for over 10 years, by 40 modificationsHer 89 body modifications smash the previous record, which was held by Maria José Cristerna for over 10 years, by 40 modifications

While some people store precious memories in photo albums or diaries, Esperance uses her tattoos to remember her experiences

Each new tattoo has helped Esperance understand her life and she says they 'turn dark times into light', reminding her what she has lived through and helping her evolve both spiritually and mentallyOver the past 10 years, Esperance has learnt to manage the pain of tattooing with meditation, believing the discomfort to be 'a small moment in time for something I can keep for life.'

But she says she wisely realises that other's cruelty and judgement is a reflection on them, rather than herself and believes that kindness always wins

Esperance in high school smiling 

Esperance in high school, aged 17

Esperance Fuerzina, 36, from Bridgeport, Connecticut , has now officially been declared the most tattooed female ever. 

The veteran - who got her first tattoo on her hip at 21 years old - has also been awarded the Guinness World Record for most body modifications for a female. 

Now, her tattoos span from her scalp to the soles of her feet - including her eyelids, eyeballs, gums and tongue. 

The first body modification Esperance had was a 'tongue split' and she went on to have five facial implants, and a wide range of piercings on her ears, nipples, labia and gums.


bob walsh said...

I am maybe too judgemental but I have to think you have to be more than a little mental to do that.

BarkGrowlBite said...

I don't know about her mental state, but I do know for sure that any man who would ask her for a date has to be crazy.