Thursday, April 26, 2018


by Bob Walsh

Kyle Kashuv is one of the survivors of the Valentine's Day Parkland School shooting. He is NOT one of the anti-gun psychopaths. This last weekend he went to a licensed gun range with his dad and fired a weapon for the first time.

On Monday he was pulled out of third period and ordered to report to the school resources officer, who jacked him up about his time at the firing range. Among other things the deputy DEMANDED to know who he was with and what kind of firearms he shot.

It seems that the cops are monitoring the student's social media accounts. This is presumably how they discovered this information, probably with the assistance of an anti-gun quisling student.

The officer repeatedly referred to him as "the pro-second amendment kid" and declined to say what, if anything, Kashuv is accused of doing wrong.

Welcome to the anti-gun Gestapo. I guess their idiot sheriff thinks he can cover his staff's grossly stupid response to the original shooting by emulating Heinrich Himmler.

I hope the kid and his father sue for invasion of privacy and general purpose harassment. Why the fuck should the local gestapo care what a kid does in his weekend, off-grounds activity as long as that activity is COMPLETELY LEGAL.


Trey Rusk said...

The Florida school shooting has everyone walking on egg shells. This kid is a victim of hyper vigilance. The deputy who began labeling him with a 2nd amendment moniker should be disciplined.

Dave Freeman said...

The liberal mindset can be frightening at times.