Monday, September 16, 2024


By Bob Walsh


donald trump says they 're eating the dogs


Monday will be 50 days until the next election.  I know that every other election here is billed as the biggest thing in living memory.  This maybe will really be that.

I believe that Kamala has said one true thing in the last 45 days.  Her values have not changed.  Her stated POSITIONS have changed like crazy.  Her values have not.  That means (at least to me) that she is lying her ass off and hoping that she can convince 50,000 people in the right places that she really doesn't not want to take our guns or flood the country with undocumented democrats.  

Decisions are made by people who show up.  FUCKING SHOW UP.  Vote early and often.  (That last thing is a joke.  Probably.)

I don't think Kamala can win this.  I am absolutely sure that Trump could lose it.  He is doing a fair job of that right now.  The dude doesn't seem to be able (or willing) to FOCUS.  People do care if immigrants are eating their pets.  It would be nice if you could say FOR SURE that it is happening before you look like a fool making a big deal out of it.  Pick three (or four or five) items that a lot of people care about.  THE ECONOMY.  IMMIGRATION POLICY.  SECOND AMENDMENT.  MANDATORY EV REQUIREMENTS.  Pick them and hammer them.  Over and over and over.  I think it would work.  At least I am dubious about what he is doing now working within the next 450 days.

He could still win.  I hope he does.  If he doesn't it could be bad for us.  Real bad.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

That should read 50 and not 450. Too much Green Death for breakfast.