Friday, April 06, 2018


by Bob Walsh

On the surface it seems a bit strange, even unreasonable. The family moved into an apartment in Inglewood, California and started having trouble. The couple's 3-year old son broke out in a rash. They took the crumb snatcher to the hospital and told the rash was caused by bug bites. A search of the home discovered a bedbug infestation, which had also attacked the 1-year old.

This past Monday the jury brought in an award of $1.593 million against the landlord. The 3-year old was so badly bitten that he ended up with facial scarring. The jury was only out one day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I spent a week one night in Algiers, La. Those critters ate me alive! So, It wasn't a 4 star hotel...