Saturday, April 14, 2018


by Bob Walsh

Many cultural anthropologists believe that Damascus, Syria is the oldest continuously inhabited place on the planet. As you read this some parts of Damascus and the areas nearby are a LOT less habitable than they were twelve hours previously.

In the pre-damn darkness U. S., U. K. and French cruise missiles and aircraft pounded three specific targets in and around Damascus that are believed to be associated with Syrian's chemical weapons research, development and deployment. Depending on who you ask (this happened about one hour ago as I write this) the main airport in Damascus may or may not have been cratered, which would severely inhibit its use as a take-off point for these chemical strikes against Syria's own population.

I confess I am not personally wild about involving us in a grotty little civil war half-way around the world. That being said if we don't stand up in opposition to these sort of attacks against non-combatants and women and children, then what the hell kind of people are we?

I have no doubt once there is solid BDA information we will have a better idea what is going on. I am confident the Russians and Iranians will scream like mashed cats. Fuck them. If you are going to support barbarism you are going to get your nose bloodied once in a while. Deal with it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, the United States should blow-up all chemical weapons research, development, deployment units in barbaric brutal countries, such as Syria and bloody Iran !!!